when i get a massive headache, advil is just the second thing that comes to mind. all i know is that i need to get coffee.
so, while nursing a headache, two of my friends and i went through the entire street looking for some freshly-brewed coffee. there we discovered, blacksoup cafe and artspace.
it wasn't out in the street. it was actually in an apartment building, and we found it through a sign out in the road that said such place existed.
the first person i met almost made me scream. it was kuya bojie, my childhood hero from batibot. i was tempted to ask, 'where is ate shenna?' but of course, he was quietly finishing his dinner of steak (not that i was prying on his plate).
i don't know where to start describing the place. it was full of vintage movie memorabilia, and the whole place itself was just art.
it had a grand piano in the corner and the whole place just seemed to take me in to some black and white movie.
the menu didn't have different variations of coffee. it simply said 'kape,' and when i called the waitress's attention, i told her i wanted a cup of brewed coffee, in which she promptly replied with, 'oh, you mean, kape.'
true enough, it wasn't just brewed coffee. it was kape. native, brewed, strong aroma. it was kape.
i don't really normally talk about places and food here. but, if you're smelling a cup of good kape with kuya bojie in the other table, how could i not?